A team from the University of Southampton’s Energy and Climate Change Division and the Sustainable Energy Research Group has completed a 6 day workshop, as part of Newton Fund project. The theme of this 2nd workshop of the project is on energy access and energy efficiency in Philippines.

Project teams from the Universities of San Carlos & Southampton addressed energy efficiency in building in urban environmentsand energy access (electricity) for island communities. The workshop started by further developing the previously conducted research and co-generating new challenges in the two themes that to be addressed during the 6 day event. 
During the workshop the team also visited three isolated islands and conducted surveys of electricity requirement of schools as well as surveys of current power supply systems in these islands. Modular renewable energy power systems designs will be established during the workshop. In addition the teams surveyed University buildings and deployed environmental minoring kits in specific buildings at the university. 
During the workshop, Prof Bahaj gave a talk at the Project Forum, University of San Carlos, covering Energy at Different Scales, The talk was attended by over 300 faculty members and students. Prof Bahaj Commented: “It was pleasing to see so many young engineers, scientists and social scientist interested in energy and planning to have a future in renewables. There is a huge appetite for learning about energy efficiency and renewables’ driven energy access power systems. However, developing countries like the Philippines will need assistance in researching these areas, and more importantly in the development of the appropriate curriculum to develop capability and competences in the energy field in the Philippines.”